Why my dog drool?


As surprising as it may seem, the salivation in dogs is a normal physiological phenomenon. This viscous secretion acts as a kind of lubricant to the digestive tract. Thanks to her, the ingestion of solid particles becomes easier. The problem arises when the dog drooling excessively.


Drooling dog: some explanations

Normal salivation

Some breeds such as the English Bulldog, the Dogue de Bordeaux and the Bullmastiff are very mushy. Many masters who favour the cleanliness of dogs avoid adopting because it is a perfectly normal phenomenon among them. No treatment can stop drooling. This phenomenon is especially the breeds that have the ‘crushed face’ or the Babine hanged. The shape of their mouth prevents them from properly swallow their saliva. Like babies, puppies can drool when they have teeth that grow. This concerns especially the less than six months. However, to be careful, you should consult a veterinarian if the puppy bleeds too much.



Symptoms of disease

In dogs, certain conditions such as the thrust of fever, liver failure, or rabies can cause abundant and abnormal saliva secretion. In this case, excessive salivation is accompanied by other signs, such as the rise of temperature and respiratory difficulties. Oral health problems can also cause strong salivation. The dog may secrete a lot of salivae if there a wound in the mouth, gingivitis, periodontitis, or an abscessed tooth. Food allergy problems and poisoning can also cause excess foaming.

Other causes

Just like humans, dogs secrete saliva when they see food. Excessive salivation may be a sign of excitement and anxiety at home. Dogs may be the subject of passenger disorders manifested by a high secretion of saliva. This phenomenon may occur when it’s too hot and that the animal needs to cool off. It also occurs in dogs with behavioural imbalance or aggressive. However, it is essential to examine the dog when he’s unusual behaviour.

Drooling dog: what to do?


Some attitudes to adopt

When the dog suddenly drooling and abundant way, it is imperative to quickly take his temperature. If it is above 39 ° C, then put it in a cool and calm, and give him fresh water to cool off. After regular verification of its temperature, consultation with a veterinarian is required if his condition does not improve. It is also essential to check his mouth to see if there can be no moral problem.


Good to know


It is strongly recommended to intervene instead of the vet in case of presence of a foreign object in the mouth of the animal, broken tooth or mouth bleeding. It is essential for the health of the animal. Only this practitioner is able to decide the solution to solve the problem of excess of the dog spit.


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